Route 66 (Barstow >> Ludlow >> Needles)

After loitering on my way at outlet, I hurried up and back on the I-15
, then merge onto the I-40 head east at Barstow junction.
This is the one shot from down the highway I-40, the one corner at town
of Newberry Springs.
Here is the famous location spot of the movie 'Bagdad Cafe', and still
now 'YES, We're OPEN'.
I tried to find the cafe, but I couldn't do it. Did I go backward direction
Instead, I could find the long train staying and satisfied.
Although not breaking coffee, this is a kind of lazy and 'ennui' one hot
summer afternoon.

Let's talk about how to fill up the tank in the U.S.A.
The method written in a guidebook is only a basic, applications are requested
when you try it actually.
The application, for example, is that there are many cases requred enter
the number of 'ZIP Code' after when you scan the credit card in gas stations
(The Chevron groups seems to already took on the system on most shops.
TEXACO, Shell or 76 groups may depends on each shops.)
So in such stations, if you don't have credit cards issued in U.S.A, you
can't get gas regarded as not authorized card users.
When you are in the area gas stations so close together, you might search
'til find the one that not required enter Zip code. But you couldn't put
it that way where the ville with only one station.
How do you deal with a situation ? The answer, is a little bit of a bother.
You may call the convenience store in the station (gas stations in the
U.S.A. mostly have a convenience store too.) and say shop attendant that,
'I'm not an American citizen.'
He or she would understand it and ask you the pump number ( sometimes required
to put your card into shop). Then you can finally fill up the tank.
Indeed it's too much of a bother. But you'll get used to it soon.

Let me introduce you my this travel partner around here. This is the Ford
A recent American car doesn't looks like American car somehow.
I'm ashamed to say it, I had always talked to him good morning or good night when start or finish off driving every day. And even while driving, 'I'm very sorry for run just hard roads.'
It is because, I believe, everything must have souls, and because my life
depends on him.
Several times I had passed through dangers, but finally I managed to come
back alive by thanks to him.
Well, It's half jokes, but half serious.
This pic, from a corner of 76, at Ludlow.

Actually I was supporsed to take the Route 66 from Ludlow, but I mistook
the way. I had to go on I-40 for a while.
Although I wanted to go back, the next ramp was 30 miles all too ahead.
I lost my energy to go back and got off the I-40 there reluctantly. Then
went on the road southward bound for Route 66 that is written 'The Joshua
tree N.P. is here' and have no name on the map.
I felt a little bit uneasiness that I can really arrive at the place that
I want to go.
However, this road was very nice against my expectations.
All over the open scenery, and curious Marble Mountains which has a geological
layer just like a cream sandwich colored brown-white-brown are on the left
side of car window.
Sometimes man gets appanage by stray.

This is the Marble Mountain.
When it comes to 'Joshua tree' and 'the road have no name', I can't think
of anything but a this tune.
'Where The Streets Have No Name' by U2 was the best song on the road.

I could pull into Route 66 at last.
This is the famous 'Roy's cafe' at Amboy, and BNSF railroads & station
in the distance.
From Ludlow to Needles, Route 66 run across the burning desert.
It's hard, but meanwhile well-paved, this is a good road to drive.
Don't be awful. Keep going on.
You have a lot to gain.

After took upper pic, turned left about 135 degree here.
Front side a Route 66, back side a heavy freight in vast desert.
46 deg C. Nothing but a 'Hot' place. Another thing is all beyond of my
Though not beauty, I like to see such a scenery very much.

I go east from Amboy a little, then turn into a side dirt road awhile and
take a photo.
There seems to be the U.S. Marine Corps base over there according to the
Also railroad branch-lines are laid on the drylake for some reasons...
I took a side trip to discover the real identity of the mysterious land.
At the end of the road where the point railroads crossing, there ware brocks
scribbled 'ROAD CLOSED'.
So I stopped and turned back prefer at ease.

From Ludlow to Needles, the scenery seen from Route 66 in the desert is
just like this.
Now, we can cross such a badland against scorching sun and reflection on
concrete only about three hours, depends absolutely on the performance
of recent car by turning the air conditioner on.
It might not be able to have done the days that before.

Sometimes I found the village where the person lives in such a severe desert.
And there also have greens.
Indeed managing the gas station in this land seriously seems tough, most
of them were abandoned.
But the post offices are hardly succeeded to open for the communication
with others that cannot be allowed to lack in living.

I had long wanted to take this picture.
But when this appeared, I was not able to reduce speed. And when I took
a rest, it never exists around me.
It was unexpectedly the hard way to get this pictire.
Everybody longs running and comes here all the way from a long distance.
Somewhere on 'The Mother of The Road'.

Japanese words on map >> The route for the 'Bagdad Cafe' (that I
got it later). & A part of Route 66 still remains.