Interstate 15 (to Barstow)

After rode across the pass, I go on the I-15 head down to Barstow.
I am already in Mojave desert, desolate land all over the area.
But in United States, the desert is not like as the Sahara's one, where
all over the dune even one plant doesn't live, but the sandy and rocky
vast soil dotted about shrubs or Joshua trees.
And some places where plants not grow are mostly dry lakes.
But even so, these sights which can never be seen in Japan leaves me a
strong impressions.
And in addition to that, you might see huge parallel high-voltage electrical
power lines that run besides along the freeway. The wires runs far away
from Hoover Dam to L.A, constantly carries tens of thousands of electric
kW. This is also the one sight of U.S. national power.
By the way, there are some people called 'Steel-Tower-Maniacs' in Japan,
They categorizes shapes of towers, and counts the number of wires, and
gives them a name.
In their way of saying, there are many 'Cat-Shaped tower' here in U.S.A.
bacause tends to have two ears on top from what I've seen.

The FM stations based on L.A. casts strong waves far to Barstow.
I planned to hear music by iPod that contains about 2,000 tunes to kill
time during my journey.
But actually, FM waves have more fun, I used iPod only when I run in the
countryside where couldn't pick-up waves, or when I thought this is the
time to put the right tunes in the right places.
R&B or HipHop tunes on FM waves changes desolated land into neo-futuristic
sceneic views to my eyes. (in Japan, not so.)
On 102.7 KIIS FM L.A, these top hits were frequently on-aired at that time.
Juvenile/Slow Motion Ciara feat. Petey Pablo/Goodies Lil Flip/Sunshine

Near the Barstow, suddenly appears gas stations, motels, and outlet just
like 'Oasis' in the desert.
Here is 'TANGER Outlet Center'.
Everyone calls here the 'Outlet in Barstow', but to be exact, here is located
in district of Lenwood slightly short of Barstow.
No one lives around here. This is the town only for drivers, carved desert and opened up.

In fact, this district has two outlets.
Another one calls 'Factory Merchants Barstow'.
'TANGER' is crowded more than 'Factory'. 'Factory' has more empty tenants,
somewhat dark mood, and a lack of exuberance.
So if you want to go, go to TANGER.

Shopping in the outlet is interesting.
And more, here is like an exhibition site of fast foods.
There are many favorite chains among Japanese, like McDonald, Kentucky,
and Subway.
But why don't you try burger, tacos or chinese ones which can't be seen
in Japan, like Carl's Jr, Tacobell, Del-Taco, Jack in The Box, and Panda
Express ?
It is an amusement to experience the American size, the largest-burgers,
or supersize-cokes.

Japanese words on map.>> Fast food signboard which can be seen well
in U.S.A. (never seen in Japan)